Logan’s Run


Logan’s Run (making of the Art) from Gero Doll on Vimeo.



Produced at Coworking Space @ hirschen.de


Logan’s Run is a Short experimental Music Animation I created in the past 3 Months.
Initially the Idea was to create a film, depicting a Character that was lost in it’s own subconsciousness.


The Main Character Logan, walks with handicapped motion in a lonely surreal environment, as she battles to survive…
Non the less, this does not keep her from going on.

Suddenly, strange creatures with jagged heads and marshmallow body’s creep up on her.
At the same time crippled and manipulated spring heads attached to melting bodies go crazy.

Robot like machines driving in circles and bumping into each other– A hallucinatory trip loaded with unexpected character animation.

Suddenly at the end the “floating Clown”, peacefully and cheerfully floating through the calm thin breeze, interrupts the chaos.
However, the floating clown shows negative effects of consumerism thus he is surrounded by orbiting junk.

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