Jul 02 2013 · 0 comments · Uncategorized · 0

Cube Spiral

Jun 30 2013 · 0 comments · Uncategorized, Music Videos and Visuals · 0

Aleph Music Video – “The Fourth Way” (WIP) coming soon!

Jun 23 2013 · 0 comments · Uncategorized · 0

Mixed media Paintings, soon.

Jun 20 2013 · 0 comments · Uncategorized · 0


May 28 2013 · 0 comments · Uncategorized · 0


May 19 2013 · 0 comments · Uncategorized · 0

WIP: Experimetal short

Apr 23 2013 · 0 comments · Uncategorized · 0


Apr 23 2013 · 0 comments · Uncategorized · 0

Experimental Stopmotion

Mar 27 2013 · 0 comments · Uncategorized · 0

I’m currently working on a Psychedelic Illustration series.

Prints will be available soon.

Mar 23 2013 · 0 comments · Uncategorized · 0


Mar 08 2013 · 0 comments · Uncategorized · 0


Feb 18 2013 · 0 comments · Uncategorized · 0

Feb 07 2013 · 0 comments · Uncategorized · 0

Something strange again.

Feb 03 2013 · 0 comments · Uncategorized · 0


Nov 08 2012 · 0 comments · Uncategorized · 0

Good_Morning Berlin

Aug 02 2012 · 0 comments · Uncategorized · 0

Logan’s Run is a Short experimental Music Animation I created in the past 3 Months.

Initially the Idea was to create a film, depicting a Character that was lost in it’s own subconsciousness.

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